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What Is The 3D Printing Technology?

3D printing is also called as additive technology and it has been around till 1980 but was not used widely till 2010. The 3D printers were widely available after this time. Chuck Hull has made the first 3D printer. This technology has been used today for many purposes like manufacturing, architecture, construction, engineering, military, dental, medical industries, fashion, footwear, education and eye wear.

This technology uses layers to make a three dimensional figure from the digital object. The process of printing starts from the bottom of the solid design and it creates successive layers of material of the object. The 3D printing was very costly in the past few days and was out of the budget for many companies. The development in technology and the manufacturing of 3D desktop printers have made this process easy for small and midsized companies. This technology can make anything from a motorcycle to a new house design and is used in home also. 3D printing technology has many names according to their use like additive technology, stereolithography, architectural modeling and rapid prototyping.

Commercial 3D printers are available for approximately ten thousand dollars and are very convenient for big companies. People have personal 3D printers for their business and hobby related purposes.  They are comparatively cheaper than commercial ones. Even if you are not a designer yourself, you can print the product for others.  Some need jewelry pieces, part of a washing machine, a toy or can be anything. With the use of different materials like plastic, glass and metal, they can be printed. The innovation is just limited by human brain. The technology today is a game changer and it has changed many aspects of the design and manufacturing industry. It also affects out personal life very closely. It has the capability of printing some of the magnificent art pieces in the world.

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